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COD Test Tubes
◆ Key Features:
Capacity: 10mL
Max Capacity: 12mL
Height: 10±0.02cm
Diameter: 1.58±0.02cm
Neck Inner Diameter: 0.95±0.02cm
Neck Outer Diameter: 1.50±0.02cm

◆ Description
For use in Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) analysis to determine the amount of organic compounds in a water source. High optical glass quality for accurate colorimetric analysis.
Capacity: 10mL
Max Capacity: 12mL
Height: 10±0.02cm
Diameter: 1.58±0.02cm
Neck Inner Diameter: 0.95±0.02cm
Neck Outer Diameter: 1.50±0.02cm
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