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Preguntas frecuentes
A.Syringe Filters
1.What are syringe filters?
Also known as wheel filters because of their wheel-like shapes, syringe filters are attached to the end of a syringe and are frequently used for removing particles in samples. Removal of particles in the sample preparation step is very imporant for high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) as large particles can clog or damage the column and also cause interference in the analysis results. For ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC), filtration of the sample prior to analysis is especially important due to their much smaller particle size columns.
Syringe filters could be produced as sterile or non-sterile for use in different industries. They may also be used for general purpose filtration, especially for smaller volumes where sample losses from larger filters are significant. Syringe filters are also used for the filtration of gases and for the removal of bacteria from a sample.
2What size syringe filter do I need?
Syringe filters are sized according to their inner diameter. Based on the volume of the samples, you can choose the appropriate sizes from the following table:
Syringe Filter Size
Process Volume
4 mm<2 mL
13 mm
3.Which syringe filter should I use?
With all the different types of membranes, it is best to choose the right one for the job. We recommend that you use the following table as a guide.
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